Deborah Harris has been practicing clinical therapy for over 12 years. She has always had a desire to help others heal and live life knowing they are loved. Deborah originally planned to go into nursing, however half way through college she had an experience with a friend who suffered significant abuse that changed everything for her. After that she decided that she wanted to know how to help people with their emotional hurts rather than just their physical hurts. She began pursuing a degree in social work and has loved her work ever since.
Deborah is honored by the trust her clients place in her as they allow her to walk beside them on their journey to healing and growth. It is not an easy path to walk and is constantly in awe as she watches each of her clients in their process of finding inner strength.
When she is not with clients she enjoys being a full time wife and mother to her husband and beautiful children. She enjoys travel, adventures, and projects that’s involve working with her hands and learning new skills.